FloTrak Elite Module

Speed in any host device

Measure flow, pressure and volume for any patient in any setting.

When it comes to avoiding delays and delivering optimal care to mechanically ventilated patients, clinicians rely on real-time respiratory measurements integrated into your host platform. The FloTrak Elite Module is designed to put critical flow, pressure and volume readings into the clinician’s hands, so they can take fast action to care for patients.

Product features:

  • Breath-by-breath flow, pressure and volume measurements
    Captures 60 respiratory parameters
  • No calibration required
  • Approved for use in patients of all ages
  • Additional parameters available when used with the CAPNOSTAT 5 Mainstream CO₂ sensor:
    Carbon Dioxide Production (VCO₂)
    End-Tidal CO₂ (etCO₂)
    Deadspace / Tidal Volume Ratio (Vd/Vt)
  • Two-year warranty

Real-time readings for fast action

When a patient’s respiration is in jeopardy, clinicians need comprehensive readings in real time to take fast action. The FloTrak Elite Module is designed to capture over 60 respiratory parameters with each breath, delivering the critical information clinicians need without delay.

A simple path to robust upgrades

From simple spirometry to volumetric capnography, the FloTrak Elite Module works as part of a full respiratory monitoring suite to manage various types and severities of patient conditions.

Trusted partners in innovation

The FloTrak Elite Module is one of the many advanced technologies within our portfolio. The Respironics OEM Capnography business is a dedicated partner, helping medical device manufacturers create innovative solutions that make their products stand out. With comprehensive technical, clinical, and marketing support, we’re here to meet the evolving needs of your growing business.

Product catalog
Product catalog

OEM Capnography

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FloTrak Elite Module
FloTrak Elite Module